LJT eSign
Sign Anywhere, Anytime
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About eSignatures

Electronic Signatures (eSignatures) have become the optimal way of getting documents and agreements signed with minimal time and effort.

There are many advantages to eSigning a document; decreased paper usage and postage expenditure, and an increase in productivity by ensuring documents are signed as quickly as possible.

eSignatures are already used extensively online and offline, such as when ticking the box agreeing to the terms and conditions of a new piece of software, or signing a PDA when receiving a parcel.

Is It Legally Binding?

eSignatures were made legally binding in the UK by the Electronic Communications Act 2000, and the Electronic Signatures Regulations 2002.

More information is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/electronic-signatures.

What's the drawback?

eSignatures can be used for all types of agreements, except for where a notary is required.

Examples of when a notary is required are when giving a power of attorney or when doing business and transactions abroad.